Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I Am A Smarticle Particle

So today I found out that I've been getting straight-freakin-A's and! I am nominated to be in the National Honors Society. What did I do to deserve this? Nothing. But oh well...I want to make a comic but I don't know what it should be about...if I get a good idea maybe I'll start posting them on this blog. Aitoooo....Aitoooo....OH! I'm still bored...Yeah, and the goron place in Legend of Zelda is REALLY hard...WAAAAAAHHH~! I hate that place. So for now I'm taking break from Zelda and moving on to Pokemon Revolution for Wii...and the Crystal Colliseum's boss is too hard!!! How do you kill a Metagross when all you have is a Charmeleon, a Wartortle, Ivysaur, Pidgeot, Dragonair and this thing...its a four legged grey thing that's a ground type...? How do I kill this guy??? I only get to use four of these pokemon!!!! HELP!